And seagulls also cry when the sea betrays them...
Art direction, Ph: Natalia Samoilova.
Style: Gulbakhyt Barinova.
MUAH: Lubov Rozenfeld.
Model: Richard, Dandy Model Management Riga.
The goddess of love and beauty…
Art direction, Ph: Natalia Samoilova.
Style: Juliya Verbickaya.
MUAH: Lubov Rozenfeld.
Assistent: Arthur Bereis.
Model: Klaudija P., Dandy Model Management Riga
This story is a kind of discussion about the «nature» of nostalgia, which is much more than just sadness.
Ph, Art direction: Natalia Samoilova
Style: Olga Alt.
MUAH: Vica Mikhaylenko.
Model: Natasha, Look Models Russia, Moscow.